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Practice at Home Videos

Private·27 members


Welcome to the 'Practice at Home Challenge' group! Starting on Tuesday 7th September.

Many of you have expressed a desire to begin practicing at home in between attending classes, but say you do not know where to start.

So, I thought it would be nice for us to do a little 'Practice at Home Challenge' together, where you make a promise to yourself to just start! I have set up this group so that we can spur each other on, motivate and inspire each other and hold ourselves accountable!

Each week, over a space of 4 weeks, I will provide you with 3 videos per week. One video will be a morning practice, one for the afternoon or after work and one for the evening or before bed. You do not need to do 3 practices a day; I will simply be providing you with a few different video choices, depending on the time of day, so that you can choose what is right for you. You can do as much or as little as you like, but of course the challenge is to practice each day if you can!

Each week the videos will increase incrementally in length, so we will begin with 10 minutes, increasing to 15 the following week, then 20 and finally 30 minutes.

I hope that by the end of the challenge you will feel more confident to just roll out your mat and allow your body and mind to guide you on what you need that day, whether that be a 10 minute energising practice, or a 30 minute relaxing one, and you will have a library of videos to access moving forward, if you still feel you need to follow something.

Enjoy and have fun xx


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  • September 2, 2021


  • Happy You Yoga

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